Green Temple Therapy

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Episode 8—Beach Visualisation Meditation

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Episode 8—The Beach and Bird Meditation Stephen McCabe

In episode 8 of Nature Therapy Online, I guide you through a relaxing and calming nature-based meditation, on a beautiful and secluded beach. Click the black player above to listen.

Visualisation nature-based meditations are a part of my approach to nature therapy/eco therapy. Whilst the aim of eco-therapy is always to connect deeply with outdoor life and the nature that is around us, I believe that using our imaginations to visualise natural settings where we feel safe and at peace help us to foster a deeper connection to nature. When we visualise, we plant seeds that help us to connect with nature when we step outside of our front doors for other ecotherapy exercises.

Our imaginations are powerful. I believe that using them for positive means is a wonderful thing; spiritual, even.

This meditation came to me through a personal experience I had several years ago. I had been struggling with my mental health over the winter months and I had found it really tough. My own mind did not feel like a safe place, and sleeping was impossible some nights. The insomnia was chronic and anyone who has ever suffered with chronic insomnia knows how it can impact on our mental health.

With the right support and work, I slowly, slowly came to a more positive place again.

During my healing process, I was privileged enough to go on a holiday to Goa, India. I had the most beautiful experience lying on a hammock, listening to the ocean waves, spending a whole week drifting in and out of beautiful, healing sleep in the sunshine. A bird hopped about in a coconut tree above me, and the bird’s presence felt like an important part of my healing.

This visualisation meditation is loosely based on that experience, but I have given plenty of room for you to find your own unique connections and images. I do hope that it is an inspiring experience for you.

Sit back, give yourself some time, relax and plant some beautiful nature seeds….

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