Green Temple Therapy

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Ace of Coins: Grounding

The Marseille Ace of Coins shows a giant coin, a mandala, in the centre of the card. Here is a symbol of totality, of the Universe rippling outwards, of the mysterious workings of life in its many layers. This mandala grows stems; they reach out, they twist, they turn, they flower, seeking connection with the Earth. Let’s look at the Jodorowsky/Camoin version, side on, next to a gorgeous red jasper stone that I found on Musselburgh Beach in Scotland.

Wherever you are reading this book right now, please make yourself comfortable.

Take a few big, deep breaths. Tune into the in-breath and out-breath. Let the breath become everything for a few moments. Your thoughts can wait.

Take a pause with several more breaths.

Now notice the body sense. How does your body feel in the precise places where it connects with solid surfaces? Perhaps your feet are placed against the floor, or your buttocks and back are held by furniture (or – for extra points – against the trunk of a tree). Notice your physicality, your solidity, the feeling of your muscles and bones – the element of Earth – being held into place by gravity to the Earth that has birthed to you. Let go of any separation you previously assumed to exist between you and the surfaces.

Scan your felt body sense from head to toe, releasing any tension that you encounter as you go slowly down your body.

Take your time with this.

We trust that the Earth will hold us every day. Acknowledge that safe assumption.

Now, notice how your skin feels connecting with the air. How is the temperature? Is there a breeze here? If not, how does the stillness of the air feel?

Notice what you can hear. What is going on in the soundscape around you?

Can you smell anything?

Just sink in. Be the body for a while. Live your solid life. Allow your thoughts to come and go without chasing them.

This is the Ace of Coins, the Ace of Pentacles.

Repeat this exercise as often as you can.

See this form in the original post

That’s all for now, friends. Please also check out last week’s post on the Strength card, if you missed it!

Thank you for being here – and if you happen to live close enough, and you want a trip to Edinburgh, Scotland in February 2025 for a workshop on learning the Tarot de Marseille, please join me in person at the Art and Spirituality Centre.

Smiles from Scotland,
