Eight of Swords: Become a Card
Eight: a number of perfection, power, stability.
Swords: Air, thought, the human mind.
The combination: Perfection of consciousness.
Tarot de Marseille: A small flower rests in the exact centre of the card, where the Earth realm meets the Spirit realm. It is contained within a structure of swords and yet there is plenty of space within the peace of the structure.
Waite-Smith: A woman stands amongst swords, blindfolded of her own volition. She blocks out all external distraction, perhaps by choice.
Dharma Tarot: The Zen practice of Koans – focusing on a riddle that can never be solved as a means to finding enlightenment – is pictured.
Above from left to right. Eight of Swords from Waite-Smith and then Tarot de Marseille, followed by Eight of Incense from Michelle Sellars’ Dharma Tarot.
- Choose a card (face up) from your deck. Pick one which features some aspect of Nature that you would like to spend some time with. You can do this now, here, with your device open. If you don’t have any cards handy, you can even close your eyes to visualise a card that you know well.
- Create a comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. Place your card down in front of you and spend 5-10 minutes with it (or imagine it).
- Take a few deep breaths and notice the sensations of your body: how your muscles and bones feel connecting to the surfaces that support you.
- Keep your focus on the card. Imagine that you are inside the card. How would things here feel to the touch? How does it sound inside the card? Is anything edible here, and if so, how might it taste? What colours and shapes draw your attention? How does it smell inside this scene?
- If there are any characters (human or otherwise) featured in this card, can you place yourself inside their body? (If there is more than one figure, choose the one whom you are most drawn to.) How does it feel to be them for a while? What are they experiencing here? (Skip this step if your card doesn’t have any characters present, or become a symbol.)
- What emotions does the natural life inside the card inspire in you?
- Allow yourself to receive a message from the card, in whatever way it comes to you. Perhaps you are told something helpful, or just receive a feeling that makes intuitive sense. However you message comes is relevant.
- When you are finished, take a few deep breaths and come back to your body sense.
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Please feel free to post your responses to the meditation in the comments :)