Ten of Wands: Transformative Flame
It may be nearing New Year’s Eve when you read this blog post (if you are reading it the week it is posted.). It may not be. Either way, this simple little ritual is – hopefully – finding its way to you at a relevant time.
Locate a candle or a tea-light. Whatever is at hand. A stick of incense will do if you’re stuck, or even a calming light that is powered by electricity.
Take three deep breaths and focus on the air going in and out of your body.
Light the candle, or create the light/smoke, and shift your focus from your breath to the flame.
For as long as you can (up to ten minutes if possible), focus on the flame of the candle, or the light/smoke, and nothing else. When your mind wanders, simply bring it back to the colour, heat and movement of the light.
Now and then, think of the amazing power of the Sun. Recognise this flame in front of you as the Sun’s energy, here in your home. Think about something that you want to let go of in life, and plan to let it go when you blow out the flame or put out the light.
When you are finished, mentally acknowledge and express gratitude towards the Sun, our magnificent star. Put out the flame however you wish, recognising that your intention to let go of something, just as the Ten of Wands ends the cycle of the suit of Fire.
Ten of Wands from Tarot de Marseille (Jodorowsky / Camoin version)
The Ten of Wands can be so much more than the famous Rider-Waite-Smith image, with its figure carrying burden. The number 10 captures the changing nature of life – and in the Wands, a fiery process reaches its end. Fire becomes Air through your actions, a Wand becomes a Sword. (In the Marseille Tarot – according to Marseille Tarot expert Alejandro Jodorowsky – the suit of Wands naturally progresses to become the suit of Swords). In the Marseille Tarot, two similar leaf-growths rest on the side of Wands, which themselves create an X shape. It is vibrant and colourful, like the flame of a gas burner, red and blue.
We take the light of the Sun for granted, don’t we? I know that I do. And yet it takes just a few mindful minutes, met with gratitude for the presence of this awesome energy of the Sun, for us to remember, remember, that we are only alive thanks to its magnificent power. Asking it to help us let go of the things that are harming us is a beautiful act.
That’s all for now, friends. Thank you for being here – and please check out my Therapeutic Tarot Sessions if you’d like us to work together. You can also sign up for the Tarot Blog newsletter (different to my main newsletter) below to receive occasional email updates (roughly monthly) with the latest posts.
Smiles from Scotland,