Fairy Tales and Myths Ecotherapy Group
Online Course. June - August 2025.
The world's myths, legends, fairy tales and folk tales are deeply entwined with nature. This unique seven-week eco-therapy programme combines nature therapy with storytelling, mythology, tarot and meditation. If you are drawn to traditional stories and you want to connect deeply with nature, then this might be for you. The group runs from 30th June to 28th August 2025 and it is delivered mostly by forum and video; it is accessible no matter what timezone you live in. It includes an (optional) two-hour online event on 28th August 2025 to close the journey. Scroll to find out more!
In this unique ecotherapy programme, 14 beautiful fairy tales, folktales and myths are presented to you in various formats: as storytelling videos, mini audiobooks or original flash fiction. Each story is accompanied by a therapeutic exercise to try in nature, inspired by the tale. You will go on a tarot pilgrimage, too.
Image shown: The Little Match Girl by Arthur Rackham.
The wisdom of tales: an ecotherapy group to inspire your imagination.
Seven weeks of enchantment
14 nature tasks
Professional support
Private group forum
Get your tarot read
Original fiction and storytelling available nowhere else
Online group event on 28th August 2025 (6.30-8 pm BST/UK)
a unique therapeutic course designed by a professional ecotherapy practitioner, writer and storyteller…..
Let myths and tales deepen your connection to nature.

To sign up for 'Fairy Tales and Myths Ecotherapy Group’ (starting in June 2025), which includes 14 unique exercises, professional support from an ecotherapy practitioner, an online group event, and a private online group forum full of nature lovers, join now!
“Connecting the stories with my own life experiences and with the place where I now live has led me to shift to a much more embodied way of feeling and to get to know the mythic ground I stand on. This has put me on the right path to becoming a better, fuller human being.”
“It was the first time in years that I thought back to being a little girl who would climb trees and explore nature. I now realise that I'm still that same person. I found myself walking off into woodland paths I've never bothered exploring in my home area before. I felt like an adventurer, just here in my own local area."
“This has been an exhilarating, transformative experience at all levels. Each participant was gently encouraged and given plenty of scope to share their personal interpretations of the stories in their own styles while fully respecting other people's. A fine balance was achieved and the group atmosphere remained positive and courteous throughout.”

On Monday 30th June 2025, the first week's stories and exercises are unlocked. Stories are presented in various formats; storytelling videos, mini audiobooks or original flash fiction. Each story is accompanied by a therapeutic exercise to take into nature, inspired by the tale.
Week One: Chapters 1 and 2
The Birth of Monkey (China)
The Forest Hag (Germany)
Week Two: Chapters 3 and 4
The Tiddy Mun (England)
Jorinda and Joringel (Germany)
Week Three: Chapters 5-6
The Story of Loch Ness (Scotland)
The Seal Woman (Iceland/Scotland)
Week Four: Chapters 7-8
The Cowherd and the Weaver Princess (Japan)
Your Tarot Pilgrimage
Week Five: Chapters 9-10
The Little Match Girl (Denmark)
Fox and Dog (Scotland)
Week Six: Chapters 11-12
The Chrysanthemum Hermit (Japan)
How Ganesh Got His Elephant Head (India)
Week Seven: Chapters 13-14
Persephone and Demeter (Greece)
A Mythical Visualisation
Online Group Gathering (28th August, 6.30-8pm BST / 1.30-3pm EST)
Please be assured that Hansel and Gretel will make an appearance when the time is right!
Seven Weeks of Enchantment.
Explore Powerful Archetypal Stories.
The nature-based stories in this course all come from Asia and Europe. They have been selected for their power to speak to us on a deep level – and also about our relationship with nature.
Get Your Tarot Read.
Stephen has been reading tarot professionally for 20 years and he has a creative approach to reading the cards. In Unit Three, you will receive a personalised tarot reading that will send you on a unique nature pilgrimage.
Lose Yourself in Story.
Stephen McCabe is a storyteller and a published writer, as well as being an eco-therapist. His charming story videos, mini audiobooks and written stories are only available as part of this course; they are not published anywhere else.
Try Nature Meditations.
As a trained meditation guide and a practicing Buddhist, Stephen invites you to practice mindfulness and meditation in natural settings. This includes unique exercises such as flower meditations, and a one-of-a-kind mythical visualisation.
Meet the Course Author.
Stephen is an experienced ecotherapy practitioner who blends storytelling, Tarot and Zen Buddhism into his work. He has trained over many years in ecotherapy skills, and he trains others to become ecotherapy practitioners themselves on the Ten Directions programme; an intensive nature therapy course informed by Buddhist psychology. He is a qualified and experienced person-centred counsellor and he runs several ecotherapy projects in Scotland.

Sign up now for £190 (around 250 USD)
An experiential two-month therapeutic programme. Let classic tales from Europe and Asia point to the magic of nature…
Feedback on the Programme.
“A Unique Experience”
Ten stars! I made the programme a priority and committed fully. I enjoyed Stephen’s insightful and encouraging comments on my posts; they made me reflect deeper, and gave me ideas to take further. It's valuable when the programme teacher is active in the forum and communicates via mail, too. This course is specific. That made it easy for me to say 'Yes, I'm in!'
“What I loved the most was….”
…the pilgrimage. We used a tool I know well – tarot – in a new way. I like that I chose the tarot cards at random, and Stephen drew the theme card and suggested a myth based on that. It's interactive, and serendipitous - love that. In combination with the exercises for each card, it made for an active, mindful, and reflective nature pilgrimage.
Frequently asked questions
(answered by the course author)
Is this course only for people who have access to wild outdoor spaces?
No! Nature is everywhere. You can do these ecotherapy exercises in small city park areas, or even walking through streets looking for nature. Of course, people from rural locations engage really well with online nature therapy too. In short: it doesn't matter where you live!
How is the course structured and when does it start?
During the first week, the first stories and exercises are unlocked. You can do your exercises on any days of the week that suit you. There are 14 activities in this course, spread over seven weeks (so two per week). You will receive email access to two exercises weekly. The course content ends after Unit Seven when you are assigned your final exercises. We will then have an online group event together when all of the Units are finished.
Is this the same as the ‘Myths and Tales’ course that you ran some years back?
Yes and no. Four of the stories are new, with more fairy tales than before. Also, whilst we explore many of the same stories as the older course, some of their exercises are different. About 40% of the content is new and each experience with a story or exercise is different anyhow, even if you have tried it before. In short, I invite you to come back and try this new version, even if you attended last time!
How exactly are the stories presented, and how are they linked to the exercises?
The stories are presented in different formats; as stories to read, storytelling videos to watch, or mini audiobook stories. All materials provided are unique to the course, and all exercises are inspired by a theme from each of the stories.
Do I need to tell stories as part of the course?
No. This is not a course teaching you storytelling skills. It is a course teaching you new ways of bonding with nature for your own wellbeing. The stories provide the inspiration!
I see that many of the tales included are shared via video and audio. Is there access to written versions of these stories?
Yes. There are transcripts of the videos available, should you prefer to read instead of listen/watch.
How much time will I need to dedicate to this course?
That's up to you, but I would recommend putting aside around 2 hours per week for the tasks. Sometimes it may require a bit more time, sometimes a bit less.
What about the online forum and support?
I ask you to post a paragraph or so about your experiences with each exercise in the private group comments section. I will reply to all of your comments, offering you personal guidance, advice and reflection on your experiences. This course also includes a 1.5 video group meeting via Google Meet at the end of the course. During this session, we explore your highlights from the course and share group experiences. I will offer you tips and advice on how you can take ecotherapy forward in your life.
Who is ecotherapy for?
Everyone! Some people are drawn to ecotherapy when they are experiencing emotional troubles and are looking for something therapeutic and positive. Some people join simply because they love nature but are struggling to connect with it, and want to learn new tools to engage with it more deeply.
Do I need any materials to do this course?
All you will need is:
a pair of headphones (a small cheap set is fine) and a mobile device that can play audio files (such as a smartphone).
A journal for your notes.
Do I need to live in a particular time zone to take part?
No. The exercises are introduced by pre-recorded/written materials, and we share our experiences via a private group forum. You can access them at any time of the day/week that suits you, and then catch up with other people’s comments at your leisure. The only set time/date you are asked to attend is one final group get-together at the end of the course, which is over Google Meet. This is an optional event and attendance is not necessary to complete the course.
I want to become an ecotherapist. Is this the right course for me?
No. If you are interested in introducing a few basic ecotherapy ideas to your work in a casual way, then doing this course might give you some ideas which you are welcome to use. However, this course is not a training course for ecotherapists; it is a personal wellbeing programme and the focus is on you—not working with others. If you are interested in ecotherapy training, I recommend the Ten Directions course, which I am a tutor for.
What can I expect to get out of this course?
This course is designed to make your life feel more peaceful, simple and joyful, and to offer healing through the magical world of fairy tales, myths and folklore. The exercises learned in these units are designed so that you can easily incorporate them into your life once the course is over. The aim is to create a deep connection to nature and myth that lasts long after the course has finished.

To sign up to 'Myths and Tales—A Nature Therapy Programme' in July 2025, which includes 14 unique nature therapy exercises, professional support from an ecotherapy practitioner and a personal tarot pilgrimage adventure, join now!
Money-Back Guarantee.
If you reach the end of the first week and you feel that the course is not for you, simply ask for a refund and you will get it.
Why? Because this course is designed to support your wellbeing and to inspire you. If you don't connect with it, then we would rather you spend your money on another programme that is a better fit for you.