Green Temple Therapy

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Episode 11: Stephanie Whitelaw Interview

Stephanie Whitelaw on an ecotherapy camping retreat.

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Episode 11—Stephanie Whitelaw Interview Nature Therapy Online

Click on the black player above to hear Episode 11 (Season 1) of the Nature Therapy Online podcast.

In episode 11 of Nature Therapy Online, I interview the wonderful ecotherapist Stephanie Whitelaw about her work with art and nature.

In this week’s episode, I have a treat for your ears! Stephanie Whitelaw is an artist and ecotherapist who lives and works in Edinburgh, Scotland. She is involved with a series of fascinating projects which weave together art, therapy and nature in some very interesting and beautiful ways.

Stephanie is a good friend of mine. We trained as ecotherapists together with the Tariki Trust and I have always been inspired by her calm and gentle approach to working with nature. She is such a genuine person as well as being a wonderful talent who weaves creativity and nature together in a really accessible way. The interview was a lot of fun—and really moving at times, too.

Find Stephanie online at

I hope you enjoy this week’s ecotherapy podcast folks!

Green hugs,

Stephen x