Episode 9: Overcoming Stereotypes in Nature
A photo I took last week in the Isla of Barra, Scotland. Not exactly what comes to mind when you think of Scotland, is it?
Click on the black player above to hear Episode 9 (Season 1) of the Nature Therapy Online podcast.
In episode 9 of Nature Therapy Online, I talk about cliches and stereotypes within nature.
I recently got back from a trip to the Isle of Barra in the Western Isles of Scotland. What a beautiful place! Despite living in Scotland for over a decade, I have never seen the Western Isles before. It was like visiting a big floating rock of paradise. Me and my partner were very lucky to be blessed with sunshine (never a guarantee in a Scottish summer, especially this miserable year!) and visited what I can only describe as the most beautiful beaches I have ever seen in my life. What’s more, hardly anybody was there.
Take a look at the photo above in this post, and imagine having an afternoon there to yourself in beautiful weather. It was paradise.
It really got me thinking about stereotypes in nature, and how we view certain landscapes in a certain way. Is this image what you visualise when you think of Scotland? For the vast majority of people, I would imagine the answer to that question is no. I explore the idea of how our cliches of certain countries and parts of the world might be stopping us from really getting to know what is on our own doorstep.
I also introduce my new nature therapy / ecotherapy online courses which I have been working on really hard over the last few months. You can get professional nature therapy support, and/or deepen your connection to nature through these courses, and start at whatever time you like!
That’s all of me this week folks. I really hope you enjoy the podcast!
Green smiles,
Stephen x