Tarot Nature Day

A day of connecting with nature through Tarot Wisdom. Online on Sunday 3rd September 2023.

An online group experience with nature and tarot.

Tarot Nature Day is a one-day online group experience. Together, a group of us from across the globe will spend the day delving into the world of tarot cards and taking their messages out into nature with us. We will not be predicting the future with the cards. Instead, we will be asking the cards to guide us towards experiences in nature, leaving our screens and going outside to connect with nature with the tarot’s messages in mind. We will come back to the screen at regular intervals to explore what came up for us as we took the tarot’s advice for connecting with nature.

This event is suitable for people with access to any outdoor space – you can go wandering in a local forest or beach, or simply take our tarot readings to your back garden with a journal. If you are not sure whether the event is accessible for you, please do get in touch – nature and tarot are for everyone!

This will be a day of creative eco-therapy – connecting with nature to nurture our wellbeing. All you need is a deck of tarot cards and access to any kind of outdoor space. If you do not have a tarot deck and you would like some advice on purchasing one, feel free to email me (please note that you specifically need a tarot deck for this event as Oracle cards or Lenormand cards etc are not suitable). You can be a tarot novice or a tarot expert to join the group – all are welcome. 

Tarot Nature Day costs just £20. It will take place over Zoom on Sunday 3rd September 2023 from 12.30-6.30 pm UK timezone/BST. It is expected to be a beautiful experience!

Book now to receive access information for the event within 24 hours. I’m looking forward to exploring nature and these magical cards with you!

About Stephen McCabe, Nature and Tarot

My name is Stephen McCabe and I have been reading tarot for almost 20 years. I incorporate the use of tarot cards into my personal and professional eco-therapy work in various ways. Throughout this event, I will guide you through some possible interpretations of the cards, whilst also allowing you to intuitively find your own insights.

Creating events which specifically connect tarot and nature is something that I have wanted to do for years; I am very excited to be finally launching these offerings! I am also a qualified counsellor, an ordained Zen Buddhist and a storyteller: I consider my therapeutic work to be spiritual work which I am very grateful to be able to do for a living.

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