Episode 24: Hills and Mountains
A little Zen-inspired sketch of The Moon tarot card, featuring my local Pentland Hills in the background
In episode 24 of the ecotherapy podcast, I reflect on the magic of hills and mountains. I discuss and introduce ways of getting to know your favourite hills or mountains a little better (without climbing them). Click on the slim black player above to listen.
Hills and mountains are dominant, unique formations that tower above the landscape. We are so often aware of their presence, but how often do we pay attention to their individual structures and quirks? In this week’s nature therapy radio show, I walk and reflect on my local hills—The Pentlands.
Ever since I moved to this area of Scotland last year (Midlothian), these hills have become a simple part of my private uniquely Scottish ecotherapy practice. That’s the things about hills and mountains—no two are the same. They are a very specific part of a landscape, utterly unique, with their own stories to tell. The hills and mountains near you will be like no other, just like these beautiful Pentland Hills could have been formed nowhere else on the earth other than Scotland!
The idea of sketching can be off-putting to those of us (me included) who find the idea of creating art difficult or even frustrating. For others, however, art and ecotherapy go together like hand in glove. Either way, there is something about sketching the outlines of a hill or mountain that can connect you to it in a simple way.
It’s rare that I sketch, but when I do, it is usually for therapeutic purposes, rather than for the result. If I sketch something from nature, I am channeling nature onto paper. As a part of nature myself (as a human being), I am channeling another part of nature through my body. It can create a wonderful and relaxing feeling and a deep sense of connection.
I invite you to locate a hill or mountain that is special to you, and to try a simple sketch of it. See how you feel. See if you notice its curves and shapes in a way you might not have done before. If you don’t have one nearby, perhaps find an image online of a special hill or mountain that you have a connection to, and give it a try.
I do hope that you enjoy this week’s nature podcast folks! If you are in a position to support the Nature Therapy Online podcast with a small regular donation, please consider becoming a patron of the podcast. Also, if you are interested in joining me online for a totally free online ecotherapy event in January, hit the button below and I will see you there!
Have a lovely week my friends.
Green smiles,
Stephen x