Episode 1: Introduction to Nature Therapy (Ecotherapy Podcast)


Welcome, my friends, to the first ever episode of the Nature Therapy Online podcast! Click on the black player above to listen.

If you’d have told me four years ago that I’d be recording a podcast like this, I honestly wouldn’t have believed you. My life has changed so much such in a seemingly short time, and I want to share with you what has brought about such powerful changes for me: nature.

In this episode, I introduce the concept of eco-therapy (or nature therapy) and I discuss the different ways in which we can practise nature therapy/ecotherapy. I discuss how some therapists focus on ‘walk and talk’ outdoor counselling, whereas others might make gardening and general horticulture with groups the centre of their practise. The famous Japanese therapy of shinrin yoku (forest bathing) is a kind of ecotherapy, as are many outdoor physical activities if done with mental wellbeing in mind. 

In the podcast, I introduce my approach to ecotherapy, which blends mindfulness-based practises with creativity.

In this, my first season of podcasts, I will be posting new episodes every Sunday. I’m so very excited to finally be doing this! 

Future episodes will provide tips on improving your wellbeing by developing a magical, beautiful nature-connection of your own. I will share specific exercises that you can do to improve your life by bonding with nature. This radio show will also present nature-based meditations/guided visualisations, interviews with pioneers in the field of ecotherapy, and I will be sure to be telling some nature myths, stories and traditional folk tales too!

Please listen, subscribe on Itunes (or wherever you listen to podcasts generally), rate, comment and enjoy. Do let me know of any ideas you have for future episodes of my little podcast radio seedling. This is a new project and I’m very much open about where it goes. What would you like to hear from a nature therapy podcast? 

It would be so amazing to know that you folks out there are listening and getting something out of this, so please don’t be shy about getting in touch and sharing it with your friends.

Green hugs,

Stephen x


Episode 2: The Sky (Nature Therapy Online Podcast)