Episode 38—The Buddhist Nun and the White Tiger

Above: A drawing from Zen Master Jiyu Kennet’s book of visions, How To Grow A Lotus Blossom.

Above: A drawing from Zen Master Jiyu Kennet’s book of visions, How To Grow A Lotus Blossom.

Episode 38—The Buddhist Nun and the White Tiger
Nature Therapy Online

In episode 38 of the nature therapy podcast, I share a meditation-story set in the jungle—3,000 years ago. It is based on the visions of the inspiring Zen Buddhist, the Reverend Master Jiyu Kennett. Click on the slim black player above to listen.

This week, I invite you to engage with a story in the way you would engage with a meditation. This is a story meditation—and the story is very close to my heart. It is a story that brings together nature, meditation, an ancient jungle and a modern spiritual teacher.

Zen Master Jiyu Kennet founded the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives, and went through so many trials (many of which were a result of her simply being a woman) to bring Soto Zen Buddhism (Serene Reflection Meditation) to the West. In this week’s ecotherapy podcast, I share a powerful story of her link with a white tiger, and the colourful nature of an ancient jungle.

For me, the beauty of nature and the whole ecosystem is an expression of a magnificent life-force that we can’t fathom. I only began to really feel a part of nature—and in turn the wider universe—when I discovered and began to practise mindfulness and Zazen (Zen meditation).

When my mind goes looking for ‘special nature experiences’, I struggle to find them. When I let go of all attachments and allow myself to simply be, that connection is undeniably there. My connection to nature came through letting go of thoughts and attachments. When our minds are as clear and as empty as possible, that’s when the miracle of life, nature and the mystery of us is able to make itself known. That’s exactly why practising mindfulness in nature can be so powerful. Just let go, and be with it.

If you tune in and enjoy this episode, please leave some thoughts, either in the comments below or feel free to email me any time!

I hope this finds you well, my friends.

In gassho,

Stephen x


Episode 39. Spring and Growth.


Episode 37—Out in the Darkness