Episode 33—A Magnificent Tree
Above: A magnificent local horse-chestnut tree covered in snow (Temple, Midlothian).
In episode 33 of the nature therapy podcast I spend some time with a magnificent old tree in my village—and I invite you to get to know a local tree properly. Click on the slim black player above to listen.
It feels a little bit like groundhog day lately with the podcast…I’ve lost count of the amount of times I’ve said ‘the snow cleared but then it came back again’! So once again I trudge through fluffy snow in my village and record a podcast with my cheeky whippet, Euro, shivering at my heels.
When was the last time you really spent quality time with a tree? That’s what this week’s ecotherapy podcast is about. Trees are such a curious and beautiful life form. The way they reach to the sky, travelling their own path, with their history clear for all to see. We have no idea what it’s like to be a tree, and we so often take for granted what a pleasure it is to simply spend time with these steady, rooted friends.
I’ve no doubt that I will record another future nature podcast on the subject of trees—as I already have in the past. They deserve a weekly podcast all of their own! This weeks focus is to invite you to get to know a local tree with as many of your senses as you can—sight, touch, sound, scent (maybe it’s not always best not to taste it though……!).
If you do tune in and take me up on my invitation, I’d love to hear all about it. Perhaps you could even post a picture of one of your favourite local trees in the comments below and share what it is that you like about it?
I hope this finds you all well this week friends.
Snowy wishes from Midlothian,
Stephen x