Episode 18: A Trip to the Water

In Episode 18 of Nature Therapy Online, I take a trip to a wild running river near my home in Midlothian. I reflect on the effect that water has on our emotions and wellbeing. Click on the slim black player above to listen.

Water is everywhere—in the atmosphere, the clouds, our bodies and the Earth. It’s in our food, our brains, our blood and in every animal and plant we see around us. It’s such an integral part of who we are that we forget to stop and appreciate how utterly amazing it is!

In this podcast, I take a walk to the river with my dog Euro, and we spend some time simply listening to it together. I invite you to reflect on how you feel listening to this wild running river. I also follow on from the grounding exercise that Alasdair Taylor introduced in the last episode, and I talk you through doing this exercise specifically near open water.

Human beings feel good when we are near water. It is in our programming. It’s where we come from. Deliberately spending time near open water (be it a river, ocean, or even a small stream or pond) improves our happiness and wellbeing, and that is what this week’s episode is all about!

I do hope that you enjoy this week’s ecotherapy exercise folks.

Look after yourselves and enjoy nature,

Stephen x


Episode 19: The Element of Air


Episode 17: Alasdair Taylor Interview