Rocks and Birds (S2E7)

Above: The Bass Rock, Scotland

Rocks and Birds (S2E7)
Nature Therapy Online

Hello folks, and Happy New Year! For this wintery episode at home, I share some thoughts, meditations and music around the themes of rocks and birds, reflecting on some powerful rocks (past and present) from Scotland amongst other themes. Click on the slim black player above to listen.

In this month’s ecotherapy podcast, I reflect on the beauty of birdsong and the simple grounding power of rocks.

I share three of my favourite rocky locations with you, all from Scotland: Isle of Barra, The Faery Stane of Midlothian and the Bass rock in East Lothian. Alongside sharing sounds, stories and meditations from these locations (and generally pondering the healing wonder of rocks), I also play some gorgeous music by an incredible artist which is inspired by endangered birds. To hear/support the music I play on the podcast, please visit Bandcamp.

I hope that you enjoy this month’s nature therapy podcast friends, and that it helps to bring in the new year with some awe and healing.

Warm wishes,

Stephen x


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